
Date: 9/16/2010


laugh.GIFTemperament is simply the trait we were born with. Scientist believed it is located in the mind-although not affects every individual,that's why everybody acts differently and is different. Basically,there're four temperaments namely: sanguin,choleric,melancholly,phlegmatic. Each temperament has it's strengt and weaknesses and no temperament is superior to another that's why we say "everybody is equal "sanguin is a bright fellow who enjoys people.and also a comedian. But he lacks discipline and shy away from reality. Choleric an extrovert but a strong minded fellow who is never moved by circumstances. But he's harsh on people.he normally stops crying at the age of 8.melancholly is a perfectionist by nature,he's an analyst but lacks internal motivation and has poor self image. Phlegmatic is a kindhearted person who doesnt like troubles and shy away from obstacles. He's a procrastinator and hates work. Temperament test is important cos it helps you know why you act the way you do! Pls leave questions and contributions.thanks

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